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Creating multiple on the fly dynamic pages, from one page

I am building a video site, and am running into an issue where facebook seems to "cache" the scraping of my page, based on the fact that all my videos actually render on the same dynamic page, utilising a query string.

I am building my meta tags dynamically, from server side, and facebook scrape debug, gets all the right info... but every new video, seems to not be scraped. Facebook share does not see the correct tags. I have read in the docs that FB scrapes every 24 hours, but it will continue to scrape just this one page. (videos.aspx) ?

When I find that the facebook share does not see the info, I do a debug on that url (videos.aspx with query string), and after that, an obvious scrape has been issues on demand, and the share function gets the right info.

The facebook sahre does NOT, however, get the wrong video title, etc.. It seems to at least somehow get that from the page title, but its not seeing my preferred imag, from my meta tag.

  • How do I create "dynamic" pages that don't exist, one for each video as it is rendered?


  • What are the preferred techniques to circumvent this?

Url's are in format:

My final rendered tags in <head></head>:

<meta name="og:image" property="og:image" content="xxxurlxxx">
<meta name="og:url" property="og:url" content="xxxurlxxx">
<meta name="og:title" property="og:title" content="xxxNamexxx">

ASP Code:

    Dim FBmeta As New HtmlMeta
    With FBmeta
        .Name = "og:image"
        .Attributes.Add("property", .Name)
        .Content = "" & myVideoControlProperties.Poster
    End With

    FBmeta = New HtmlMeta
    With FBmeta
        .Name = "og:url"
        .Attributes.Add("property", .Name)
        .Content = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri
    End With

    FBmeta = New HtmlMeta
    With FBmeta
        .Name = "og:title"
        .Attributes.Add("property", .Name)
        .Content = myVideoControlProperties.videoName
    End With


  • Seems I had a possible intermittent error indeed, that skipped the meta generation code, "sometimes". That probably when facebook scraped. @MarcB, thanks for the "bounce off" regarding this. –