I am trying to run ELKI to implement k-medoids (for k=3) on a dataset in the form of an arff file (using the ARFFParser in ELKI):
The dataset is of 7 dimensions, however the clustering results that I obtain show clustering only on the level of one dimension, and does this only for 3 attributes, ignoring the rest. Like this:
Could anyone help with how can I obtain a clustering visualization for all dimensions?
ELKI is mostly used with numerical data.
Currently, ELKI does not have a "mixed" data type, unfortunately.
The ARFF parser will split your data set into multiple relations:
and region
Apparently it has messed up the relation labels, though. But other than that, this approach works perfectly well with arff data sets that consist of numerical data + a class label, for example - the use case this parser was written for. It is a well-defined and consistent behaviour, though not what you expected it to do.
The algorithm then ran on the first relation it could work with, i.e. age
So here is what you need to do:
Alternatively, you could write a script to encode your data in a numerical data set, then it will work fine. But in my opinion, the results of one-hot-encoding etc. are not very convincing usually.