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Add file using SharpSVN

I would like to add all unversioned files under a directory to SVN using SharpSVN.

I tried regular svn commands on the command line first:

C:\temp\CheckoutDir> svn status -v

I see all subdirs, all the files that are already checked in, a few new files labeled "?", nothing with the "L" lock indication

C:\temp\CheckoutDir> svn add . --force

This results in all new files in the subdirs ,that are already under version control themselves, to be added.

I'd like to do the same using SharpSVN. I copy a few extra files into the same directory and run this code:

using ( SharpSvn.SvnClient svn = new SvnClient() )
    SvnAddArgs saa = new SvnAddArgs();
    saa.Force = true;
    saa.Depth = SvnDepth.Infinity;
        svn.Add(@"C:\temp\CheckoutDir\." , saa);
    catch (SvnException exc)
        Log(@"SVN Exception: " + exc.Message + " - " + exc.File);

But an SvnException is raised:

  • SvnException.Message: Working copy 'C:\temp\CheckoutDir' locked
  • SvnException.File: ..\..\..\subversion\libsvn_wc\lock.c"

No other svnclient instance is running in my code, I also tried calling


right before the Add, but to no avail.

Since the documentation is rather vague ;), I was wondering if anyone here knew the answer.

Thanks in advance!



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