I have a list of objects in a page.. Clicking on the list item pushes a new page with some parameters passed from parent page. Navigator's var name is navi. $scope.navi.pushPage('somepage.html', {listItem: item}); and navi.pushPage('somepage.html', {listItem: item}); is working fine in browser. But none of the methods working in Phonegap developer app. I'm testing it in an Android phone running Lollipop 5.0.1.
Here is the error I'm getting by Logcat.
D/CordovaLog( 7652): : Line 0 : 'Attr.ownerElement' is deprecated and has been r
emoved from DOM4 (http://w3.org/tr/dom).
And few seconds later I get this error:
D/CordovaLog( 7652): Line 4573 :
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
Packed apk. Installed in a physical device. Working fine. I think it's Phonegap Beta Desktop Application problem.