I have a set of sliderInput
s whose number equals the number of columns in my data. The number of columns is determined by the values of choices
from global.R
. Each slider is associate to one column and were created as shown bellow in server.R
and ui.R
I would like to observe
them individually so I can apply the values to the associated column. Something like in this example.
Any suggestion?
#Example. Not valide code!!!
selectedValBySliders <- observe({
print("Numbers selected via sliders:")
out_sliders <- input$sliders[1:numSliders]
output$sliders <- renderUI({
numSliders <- numCols(input$dataName)
lapply(1:numSliders, function(i) {
inputId = paste0('column', i),
label = paste0('Select the range for column ', i),
min = min(selectRange(input$dataName)),
max = max(selectRange(input$dataName)),
value = c(min(selectRange(input$dataName)), max(selectRange(input$dataName))),
step =1)
uiOutput(outputId = "sliders"),
selectRange <- function(x){
if(x == "data1"){choices = c(1:10)}
if(x == "data2"){choices = c(1:15)}
if(x == "data3"){choices = c(1:20)}
if(x == "data4"){choices = c(1:25)}
numCols <- function(x){
if(x == "data1"){ncolumns = 4}
if(x == "data2"){ncolumns = 5}
if(x == "data3"){ncolumns = 5}
if(x == "data4"){ncolumns = 6}
In case someone might bump into the same issue, here is my solution. Feel free to update it with a better answer if you have one.
minMax <- matrix(0, ncol(getData), 2)
for(i in seq(ncol(getData))){
if(!is.null(input[[paste0('column', i)]])){
val <- input[[paste0('column', i)]]
minMax[i,] <- val
index <- which(getData[, i] %in% c(minMax[i, 1]:minMax[i, 2]))
selectedSet <- getData[index, ]