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How to connect an IBOutlet to the storyboard from a class category

I have a CarViewController class which has several class category files. CarViewController.m imports CarViewController+protected.h. I want to have some IBOutlet properties inside car+protected.h so that I can use these in both my CarViewController.m and other class category implementation files.

I opened up the assistant editor and was not able to drag from my view to the Outlet in CarViewController+protected.h. However, I was able to drag from the Outlets in CarViewController+protected.h to the view in the storyboard.

I ran my code an eventually got an this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key error, which usually means that you have an outdated connection somewhere in the project. I have checked for this and cleaned the project but I cannot seem to get past this error.

Is it possible to have IBOutlets connect to a storyboard in a class category header file? If not, can I use a class extension file? My CarViewController class is becoming very large and I want to use categories or extensions to break down the file size and better organize my code.


  • You can not declare properties in a category, so it's impossible to connect an IBOutlet property to a category.

    In your case, making CarViewController a super class and making subclasses inheriting from the class can solve the problem.