I have multiple results (Radiology, Labs, Pathology, Transcriptions) for the same patient in a file and I am only interested in getting results for a set of particular values. For example: I want to look for a radiology report on the first line and patient MRN 123456789 on the second line. Can this be achieved using findstr? Thanks
:: remove variables starting $
FOR /F "delims==" %%a In ('set $ 2^>Nul') DO SET "%%a="
SET "found="
SET "mrn=%1"
FOR /f "delims=" %%o IN (q29931949.txt) DO (
FOR /f "tokens=1-4delims=|" %%a IN ("%%o") DO (
IF DEFINED found IF "%%a"=="PID" (
SET "$2=%%o"
CALL :report "%%b" "%%c" "%%d"
SET "found="
IF "%%a"=="MSH" IF "%%b"=="RADIOLOGY" SET found=Y
IF "%%a"=="MSH" IF "%%c"=="RADIOLOGY" SET found=Y
IF DEFINED found SET "$1=%%o"
SET "field=%~1"
FOR /f "tokens=1delims=^^" %%r IN ("%~1") DO SET "field=%%r"
IF "%field%"=="%mrn%" FOR /F "tokens=1*delims==" %%r In ('set $') DO ECHO(%%s
GOTO report
I used a file named q29931949.txt
containing your data for my testing.
You don't really supply enough information to produce a result. For instance, is "MRN" a required data item?
This procedure will find two consecutive lines, the first one having "MSH" in he first column and "RADIOLOGY" in the second or third and the second line having "PID" in the first column snd either the second, third or fourth column containing the target number.
You'd run the routine using thisbatchaname 123456789
It accepts the parameter 123456789
and assigns that to mrn
It then reads the file and assigns each line in tun to %%o
, and tokenises the line on |
, applying tokens 1-4 to %%a..%%d
The main loop sets found
to empty and then to Y
only if the first field is MSH
and the second or thid RADIOLOGY
. If the found
flag is set, the original line in %%o
is applied to $1
. Only if found
is set at the start of the loop (which means that the previous line is MSH/RADIOLOGY
) will the routine :report
be called after $2
has the original contents of the second line assigned.
The :report
routine sets field
to the first parameter to see whether there are remaining parameters to process. The for
then assigns the part of the field up to the first caret (^
) to field
. If this matches the mrn
input from the command line, then the $
variables are echo
ed to the console (you don't say what you actually want to do with the data). Regardless, the remaining parameters are checked.
The reson for checking the second/third(/fourth) parameter is to cater for the presence or absence of data in the fields as consecutive |
characters are interpreted as a single delimiter.