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Why this simple program on shared variable does not scale? (no lock)

I'm new to concurrent programming. I implement a CPU intensive work and measure how much speedup I could gain. However, I cannot get any speedup as I increase #threads.

The program does the following task:

  • There's a shared counter to count from 1 to 1000001.
  • Each thread does the following until the counter reaches 1000001:
    • increments the counter atomically, then
    • run a loop for 10000 times.

There're 1000001*10000 = 10^10 operations in total to be perform, so I should be able to get good speedup as I increment #threads.

Here's how I implemented it:

#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdatomic.h>

pthread_t workers[8];
atomic_int counter; // a shared counter

void *runner(void *param);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if(argc != 2) {
    printf("Usage: ./thread thread_num\n");
    return 1;

  int NUM_THREADS = atoi(argv[1]);
  pthread_attr_t attr;

  counter = 1; // initialize shared counter

  const clock_t begin_time = clock(); // begin timer
  for(int i=0;i<NUM_THREADS;i++)
    pthread_create(&workers[i], &attr, runner, NULL);

  for(int i=0;i<NUM_THREADS;i++)
    pthread_join(workers[i], NULL);

  const clock_t end_time = clock(); // end timer

  printf("Thread number = %d, execution time = %lf s\n", NUM_THREADS, (double)(end_time - begin_time)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

  return 0;

void *runner(void *param) {
  int temp = 0;

  while(temp < 1000001) {
    temp = atomic_fetch_add_explicit(&counter, 1, memory_order_relaxed);
    for(int i=1;i<10000;i++)
      temp%i; // do some CPU intensive work


However, as I run my program, I cannot get better performance than sequential execution!!

gcc-4.9 -std=c11 -pthread -o my_program my_program.c
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do \
        ./my_program $i; \
Thread number = 1, execution time = 19.235998 s
Thread number = 2, execution time = 20.575237 s
Thread number = 3, execution time = 25.161116 s
Thread number = 4, execution time = 28.278671 s
Thread number = 5, execution time = 28.185605 s
Thread number = 6, execution time = 28.050380 s
Thread number = 7, execution time = 28.286925 s
Thread number = 8, execution time = 28.227132 s

I run the program on a 4-core machine.

Does anyone have suggestions to improve the program? Or any clue why I cannot get speedup?


  • The only work here that can be done in parallel is the loop:

    for(int i=0;i<10000;i++)
          temp%i; // do some CPU intensive work

    gcc, even with the minimal optimisation level, will not emit any code for the temp%i; void expression (disassemble it and see), so this essentially becomes an empty loop, which will execute very fast - the execution time in the case with multiple threads running on different cores will be dominated by the cacheline containing your atomic variable ping-ponging between the different cores.

    You need to make this loop actually do a significant amount of work before you'll see a speed-up.