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How to prevent service on Oracle Service Bus (OSB) from changing xmlns prefix/aliases to random things?

We have a requirement to send specific namespace alias to the client and must use OSB. The proxy service changes the name space aliases of exposed WSDL from what we carefully crafted. I cannot find an option to prevent OSB from doing so.

For example

For namespace, The original wsdl start has

    <soap:definitions xmlns:soap=""/>

But OSB exposes the WSDL like this

    <WL5G3N0:definitions xmlns:WL5G3N0=""/>

The original alias "soap" is automatically changed to "WL5G3N0" by OSB and causing a problem. Same type of renaming is also happening with many of the referenced XSD files.

How do we prevent the renaming of the aliases in OSB?


  • responded to my SR 3-10633538571 and they officially confirmed that automatic renaming of prefix cannot be disabled in OSB 11g.