I am having trouble getting BI Publisher to sort based on my parameter. The parameter name in the data model is SORTBY and has two options (NAME, BIRTH_DATE). The values come from a "list of values" in the data model that match field names in the result set. I want the report to sort by the field selected by the user.
Below is my code in the RTF template using BI Pub tags:
<?end if?>
<?end if?>
And here is the relevant resulting xsl-fo exported from Microsoft Word:
<xsl:for-each select=".//G_1" xdofo:ctx="3">
<xsl:if test=".//SORTBY = 'NAME'" xdofo:ctx="3">
<xsl:sort select="(.//NAME)[1]" order="ascending" data-type="text"/>
<xsl:if test=".//SORTBY = 'BIRTH_DATE'" xdofo:ctx="3">
<xsl:sort select="(.//BIRTH_DATE)[1]" order="ascending" data-type="text"/>
With some peer programming, a colleague of mine found the answer. The for-each does not like having an if (or a choose for that matter) inside. So, you have to assign the parameter to a variable and use the variable in the sort.
Outside the for loop:
For loop:
<?sort:./*[name() = xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'Order')];'ascending';'text'?>