I am following this article http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/659643/Csharp-Query-Excel-and-CSV-Files-Using-LinqToExcel . But the problem now i am facing is ,my excel column name contains .,space etc characters. As per the mapping excel column name and property name should be same. If that is the case how can i insert special characters like . and space in property name. One more question is , is there any license issue regarding those dll's ,if i deploy it in somehwere?
Example of column name is LOCATIONS.CONFIG 3G 2100
Use the ExcelColumn
atrribute with your properties.
such as:
public string SomeProperty { get; set; }
Another way is using the AddMapping
ExcelQueryFactory qf = ...;
qf.TrimSpaces = TrimSpacesType.Both;