I am using pstree to get a set of process and the result will be like
I would like to use the keyword "processTarget" to get the pid, that is 126.
The reason why i chose the pstree is that I will send SIGTSTP signal and SIGCONT to this set of process.
How could I do that? Is there any easy to do it?
Note:The processTarget(126) is not in the fixed position, therefore I could not use awk to get the PID.
You can use grep
<pstree command> | grep -P -o 'processTarget\([0-9]+\)'
means use Perl regex
mean only return the match
man grep
for more details
If the goal is to get just the id you can continue this approach to return just the integer
<pstree command> | grep -P -o 'processTarget\([0-9]+\)' | grep -P -o '[0-9]+'