I was searching the manual for error_reporting
. There I found an example which lists all the error reporting levels in the browser window. I went through the code and some coding style seems unfamiliar to me and I couldn't understand what exactly it does.
In the manual, it says error_reporting ()
Returns the old
error_reporting level
or the current level if no level parameter is given
I know error_reporting(level)
determines what type of error to show or not to show. But what it returns when it is assigned to a variable ? like the following:
$errLvl = error_reporting();
I have printed $errLvl
and it returned 22527
. I don't understand what it means? Can any one explain it to me in plain English?
There is a function called FriendlyErrorType($type)
which will accept an error type and print it in the browser. But it is given a parameter ($errLvs & pow(2,i))
. What does &
operator supposed to do? I mean what is the function of &
operator in the argument?
print FriendlyErrorType($errLvl & pow(2, $i))
$errLvl = error_reporting();
echo $errLvl.'</br>';
for ($i = 0; $i < 15; $i++ ) {
print FriendlyErrorType($errLvl & pow(2, $i)) . "<br>\\n";
function FriendlyErrorType($type)
case E_ERROR: // 1 //
return 'E_ERROR';
case E_WARNING: // 2 //
return 'E_WARNING';
case E_PARSE: // 4 //
return 'E_PARSE';
case E_NOTICE: // 8 //
return 'E_NOTICE';
case E_CORE_ERROR: // 16 //
return 'E_CORE_ERROR';
case E_CORE_WARNING: // 32 //
return 'E_CORE_WARNING';
case E_COMPILE_ERROR: // 64 //
case E_COMPILE_WARNING: // 128 //
case E_USER_ERROR: // 256 //
return 'E_USER_ERROR';
case E_USER_WARNING: // 512 //
return 'E_USER_WARNING';
case E_USER_NOTICE: // 1024 //
return 'E_USER_NOTICE';
case E_STRICT: // 2048 //
return 'E_STRICT';
case E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: // 4096 //
case E_DEPRECATED: // 8192 //
return 'E_DEPRECATED';
case E_USER_DEPRECATED: // 16384 //
return "";
So your code is just checking which error types you have on and returns the constant name of that error type.
But first to clarify what &
operator this is. It is a bitwise AND operator (Also see this as reference: Reference - What does this symbol mean in PHP?).
So basically it does this:
A | B & results
0 | 0 -> 0
0 | 1 -> 0
1 | 1 -> 1
1 | 0 -> 0
So a plain english example woulde be:
If the sun is shining AND it I don't have to work at this day THEN I go outside (otherwise NOT).
So now your code just get's your current error level:
$errLvl = error_reporting();
For you it is:
22527 //Which in binary is: 0101'0111 1111'1111
After this it goes through the loop 15 times and basically always checks if the next digit is 1 or 0, e.g:
1. Iteration:
0101'0111 1111'1111 // your error level
1 // pow(2, $i) -> 2^0 -> 1
------------------- &
1 = 1 //argument for the function call
2. Iteration:
0101'0111 1111'1111 // your error level
10 // pow(2, $i) -> 2^1 -> 2
------------------- &
10 = 2 //argument for the function call
15. Iteration:
0101'0111 1111'1111 // your error level
0100'0000 0000'0000 // pow(2, $i) -> 2^14 -> 16384
------------------- &
0100'0000'0000'0000 = 16'384 //argument for the function call
And then in the function it simply is a switch statement to get the right term to return if it the corresponding digit is set.
You can also see all predefined error constants here: http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php
Here visualized:
0000'0000 0000'0000
|||| |||| |||| |||| ----- E_ERROR = 1
|||| |||| |||| ||| ------ E_WARNING = 2
|||| |||| |||| || ------- E_PARSE = 4
|||| |||| |||| | -------- E_NOTICE = 8
|||| |||| ||||
|||| |||| |||| ---------- E_CORE_ERROR = 16
|||| |||| ||| ----------- E_CORE_WARNING = 32
|||| |||| || ------------ E_COMPILE_ERROR = 64
|||| |||| | ------------- E_COMPILE_WARNING = 128
|||| ||||
|||| |||| --------------- E_USER_ERROR = 256
|||| ||| ---------------- E_USER_WARNING = 512
|||| || ----------------- E_USER_NOTICE = 1'024
|||| | ------------------ E_STRICT = 2'048
|||| -------------------- E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR = 4'096
||| --------------------- E_DEPRECATED = 8'192
|| ---------------------- E_USER_DEPRECATED = 16'384
| ----------------------- E_ALL = 32'767
Now if you want to ask why it doesn't check for the last digit (E_ALL
), because basically E_ALL == all error types
. So if you get all error types back you have error reporting: E_ALL
So for the end your error level visualized:
0101'0111 1111'1111
| | ||| |||| |||| ----- E_ERROR
| | ||| |||| ||| ------ E_WARNING
| | ||| |||| || ------- E_PARSE
| | ||| |||| | -------- E_NOTICE
| | ||| ||||
| | ||| |||| ---------- E_CORE_ERROR
| | ||| ||| ----------- E_CORE_WARNING
| | ||| || ------------ E_COMPILE_ERROR
| | ||| | ------------- E_COMPILE_WARNING
| | |||
| | ||| --------------- E_USER_ERROR
| | || ---------------- E_USER_WARNING
| | | ----------------- E_USER_NOTICE
| |
| | -------------------- E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
| ---------------------- E_USER_DEPRECATED
output of your code: