i have an object with some proprieties, arrays of classes or structs
I want to put those proprieties in an array so i can access them easily in TableDataSource ( because of section, indexpath etc.. )
I've tried writing this initialization
var dataStructure = Array<Any>()
var tweet : Tweet?{
dataStructure.append(tweet?.urls )
and then retrieving it
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
// #warning Incomplete method implementation.
// Return the number of rows in the section.
let arr = dataStructure[section] as? NSArray
if arr != nil{
return arr!.count
return 0
but the arr is always nil
maybe is because i'm casting to NSArray? but i can't cast to "Array"
media , urls , hastags, and userMentions are initialized in the "Tweet" class
public var media = [MediaItem]()
public var hashtags = [IndexedKeyword]()
public var urls = [IndexedKeyword]()
public var userMentions = [IndexedKeyword]()
so they are pretty normal arrays
Basically there is a few problems with your code:
1) didSet
is not calling during init. This cause dataStructure
array to be empty;
2) Are you sure that you need cast to NSArray
? You can get count without it.
3) It's will be much better to use computed property in Tweet
class to receive required data.
public class Tweet {
public var media = [MediaItem]()
public var hashtags = [IndexedKeyword]()
public var urls = [IndexedKeyword]()
public var userMentions = [IndexedKeyword]()
public var dataStructure:[Any] {
return [media, hashtags, urls, userMentions]