this is my method
public static DataSet ProgressReport(int FirmID)
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CNYearID"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["CNYearID"].ToString() != "")
firmcomplianceyear = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["CNYearID"]);
else if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentFCY"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentFCY"].ToString() != "")
firmcomplianceyear = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentFCY"]);
if (HttpContext.Current.Session["NewCompYID"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["NewCompYID"].ToString() != "")
compliance_year = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["NewCompYID"]);
else if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CompYearID"] != null && HttpContext.Current.Session["CompYearID"].ToString() != "")
compliance_year = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["CompYearID"]);
String str = String.Format(@"select
fr.firmusername as FirmUserName,
d.deptname as Department,
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),R.InsertDate, 101) AS Date,
Convert(decimal(10,2),(st.StatusPercentComplete/cast (100 as float))) as Percentage,
case when R.PolicyConfirmation = '0' then 'NO'
when R.PolicyConfirmation = '1' then 'YES'
end as PolicyConfirmation,
case when R.GeneralConfirmation='0' then 'NO'
when R.GeneralConfirmation='1' then 'YES' end as GeneralConfirmation,
comments = dbo.udfGetCommentListRajendra(r.firmcompliancerequirementid),
documents = dbo.udfGetDocumentList( F.firmid,S.sectionid),
---------here im using the below udf function where i m stucked----
Location=dbo.udfGetLocationList_1( F.firmid,S.sectionid,fr.firmuserid)
from requirementcertification r
join firm f on F.firmid=R.firmid
join Section s on S.sectionid= R.sectionid
join FirmComplianceRequirement fcr on Fcr.FirmComplianceRequirementID = R.FirmComplianceRequirementID
Join FirmComplianceYear FCY on FCY.FirmComplianceYearID=FCR.firmcomplianceyearid
join Department d on d.deptid=fcr.assignedto
join [Status] St on st.statusID = R.statusid
join firmuser fr on fr.firmuserid = r.userid
where r.userid in(select firmuserid from firmfirmusermapping where firmid='{0}') AND (D.FirmID=0 OR D.FirmID= '{0}') AND D.IsActive=1 AND D.IsDelete=0 And FCY.ComplianceYearID='{1}'
order by R.insertdate desc", FirmID, compliance_year);
DataSet ds = DAL.SelectRecords(str.ToString());
return ds;
USE [Mydata]
Create function [dbo].[udfGetCommentList]
@firmcompliancerequirementid int
RETURNS varchar(max)
--SELECT @listStr = COALESCE(@listStr+',' ,'') + requirementcomment
--FROM requirementcomment
--where firmcompliancerequirementid = @firmcompliancerequirementid
Select distinct @listStr= RequirementComment from requirementcomment
where firmcompliancerequirementid=@firmcompliancerequirementid
order by RequirementCommentID desc
return @listStr
the output of this :
Name Section# Department Date Status % Comments
vishalVVVV 23.503 Compliance 04/28/2015 Pending Documentation 25% Rejection comment for the second time
vishalVVVV 23.503 Finance 04/28/2015 Pending Documentation 25% one more comment on 2nd requirement
i want same value of column comments in the second row also... but i m getting previous value
i need
Rejection comment for the second time
Rejection comment for the second time
i m getting :(
Rejection comment for the second time
one more comment on 2nd requirement
You have this line in your SQL:
comments = dbo.udfGetCommentListRajendra(r.firmcompliancerequirementid),
It stands to reason that if r.firmcompliancerequirementid
from the first record is different from r.firmcompliancerequirementid
from the second record, you're going to get a different return value.
If they're the same, and you're getting inconsistent results from dbo.udfGetCommentListRajendra
, it may be that you have multiple values for RequirementCommentID
in table requirementcomment
and you're not getting the same record popping to the top every time.
But if they're different, but you want the result to be as if they were the same ... that's going to be complex to pull off in a single query.
I would therefore ask for what purpose you want the data in this format. Is this to appear on a web page, a report, or something similar, intended for user viewing?
If so, remember that you can always alter what the output looks like in the screen or report. It might make sense to return the data as you are doing now, but modify your report so that the first comment line is repeated as you head down the page.