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GORM mappedBy and mapping difference

In the GORM what is the difference between mappedBy and mapping?

static mapping = {

static mappedBy = {


  • mapping
    mapping simply tells GORM to explicitly map one or more Domain properties to a specific database column.

    class Person {
       String firstName
       static mapping = {
          table 'people'
          id column: 'person_id'
          firstName column: 'First_Name'

    in this case for instance I am instructing GORM to map the id attribute to the column person_id of the people table and the firstName property to the First_Name column of the same table.

    mappedBy instead let you control unidirectionality or bidirectionality of your classes associations. From Grails documentation:

    class Airport {
       static mappedBy = [outgoingFlights: 'departureAirport',
                       incomingFlights: 'destinationAirport']
       static hasMany = [outgoingFlights: Route,
                      incomingFlights: Route]
    class Route {
        Airport departureAirport
        Airport destinationAirport

    Airport defines two bidirectional one-to-many associations. If you don't specify mappedBy you would get an error because GORM cannot infer which of the two properties on the other end of the association (either departureAirport or destinationAirport) each one-to-many should be associated with.

    enter image description here

    In other words it helps you remove the ambiguity that comes from bidirectional associations.