Since updating Facebook to v4.0.x and the latest Parse libraries, my app is hanging, seemingly when trying to log in the user.
My stack trace looks like this:
I had a very similar problem previously, answered here: Parse crash when calling [PFFacebookUtils initializeFacebook] - semaphore_wait_trap
However that solution no longer works, since it seems [PFUser currentUser]
has been replaced with [PFUser(Private) _getCurrentUserWithOptions:]
and [BFTask(Private) waitForResult:withMainThreadWarning:]
where it gets stuck.
In my app, I've subclassed PFUser to a class called MPLUser, and overridden the user method. Not sure if this might be something to do with the issue?
+ (MPLUser *)user
return (MPLUser *)[PFUser user];
Once this starts occurring, it becomes impossible to launch the app. However, I usually manage to launch the app a few times before the lock starts happening. It usually happens after a crash...
I'm using pod 'ParseFacebookUtilsV4' and have updates all libraries to latest versions.
Here's more stack trace from another thread, that is seemingly trying to log on:
I initialise Parse and Facebook in the following order. If I reverse the calls, it crashes:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[self initDefaults];
[self initialiseApplicationSpecifics];
[self setupParseWithOptions:launchOptions];
[self enableCrashReporting];
[self setupIAPs];
- (void)initialiseApplicationSpecifics
[Flurry setCrashReportingEnabled:YES];
[self registerParseSubclasses];
[ParseCrashReporting enable];
[Parse enableLocalDatastore];
#ifdef MPL
[Parse setApplicationId:@"xxxyyy"
[Flurry startSession:@"xxxyyy"];
#elif MGM
[Parse setApplicationId:@"yyyxxx"
[Flurry startSession:@"yyyxxx"];
- (void)setupParseWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[PFFacebookUtils initializeFacebookWithApplicationLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
[PFTwitterUtils initializeWithConsumerKey:@"aaaabbbb"
[PFAnalytics trackAppOpenedWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
Seems to be fixed with parse 1.7.2
According to v1.7.2 — April 27, 2015
New: Local Data Sharing for Extensions and WatchKit. Improved nullability annotations for ParseFacebookUtils.
Fixed: logOutInBackground with block callback not called on main thread. Fixed: Potential compilation error with using imports for PFSubclassing.h.
Fixed: Not persistent currentUser if saving automatic user via saveEventually.
Fixed: Rare deadlock scenario with using ParseFacebookUtils and currentUser.
Fixed: Rare issue with pinning multiple objects in a row to the same pin.
Fixed: Rare scenario when user could be not linked with Facebook.
Improved performance and reliability of Local Datastore. Performance improvements.
Other small bug fixes.