I have used AngularJS while developing a visual force page and was trying to create a record under a custom object, I could see that the Salesforce controller is returning the ID to javascript callback function and am using
inside the success condition but I was unable to populate that into a label field and label field isn't displayed, whereas when I use
I was able to display the message.
Can you please suggest what might be the mistake using AngularJS ? and also specify any effective solution to perform the task with AngularJS.
Please find the link below where the above form is hosted
Are you using $scope.lblMsg={value:result['message']}
inside a callback fro ma 3rd party api, like salesforce instead of a normal $http call? If 'yes', then you should consider wrapping that in an $apply block or an $applyAsync one, otherwise Angular won't know about that update.