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Stop a single quote from escaping a string in a WMI query powershell

I have some code which uses a WMI query, but i'm running into an issue where the variable i'm using has a ' (single quote), which causes the code to malfunction

Here is an example:

$path = "\\SERVER1\Mike O'Leary$"
$servername = $path.Split('\')[2].Split('\')[0]
$sharename = $path -replace ".*\\" -replace "'", "`'"
Get-WmiObject Win32_share -computer $servername -filter "name='$sharename'" | Select Name,Path

The problem is that the share name contains a ' character so it errors out. Paths without ' work fine

I tried using the replace seen above but this doesn't help

I've tried various combinations of quotes but I can't get it right, can anyone assist?

Thanks Ben


  • Oops, turns out I should've been using \ instead of `

    $path = "\\SERVER1\Mike O'Leary$"
    $servername = $path.Split('\')[2].Split('\')[0]
    $sharename = $path -replace ".*\\" -replace "'", "\'"
    Get-WmiObject Win32_share -computer $servername -filter "name='$sharename'" | Select Name,Path

    Mystery solved!