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Remove wikitext hyperlinks via regex

There are two different kinds of wikitext hyperlinks:

[[heap (memory region)|heap]]

I would like to remove the hyperlinks but keep the text:


Currently, I am running two phases, employing two different regular expressions:

public class LinkRemover
    private static final Pattern
    renamingLinks = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[[^\\]]+?\\|(.+?)\\]\\]");

    private static final Pattern
    simpleLinks = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[(.+?)\\]\\]");

    public static String removeLinks(String input)
        String temp = renamingLinks.matcher(input).replaceAll("$1");
        return simpleLinks.matcher(temp).replaceAll("$1");

Is there a way to "fuse" the two regular expressions into one, achieving the same result?

If you want to check your proposed solutions for correctness, here is a simple test class:

public class LinkRemoverTest
    public void test()
        String input = "A sheep's [[wool]] is the most widely used animal fiber, and is usually harvested by [[Sheep shearing|shearing]].";
        String expected = "A sheep's wool is the most widely used animal fiber, and is usually harvested by shearing.";
        String output = LinkRemover.removeLinks(input);
        assertEquals(expected, output);


  • You can make the part until the pipe optional:


    And to be sure you are always between square brackets, use the character classes.

    fiddle (click the Java button)

    pattern details:

    \\[\\[         # literals opening square brackets
    (?:            # open a non-capturing group
        [^\\]|]*   # zero or more characters that are not a ] or a |
        \\|        # literal |
    )?             # make the group optional
    ([^\\]]+)      # capture all until the closing square bracket