I've just created my first docker container and it runs successfully. My problem now is that I can't access the folder where they are stored by default
It keeps throwing the error
can't cd to containers
You need root to access it:
sudo ls /var/lib/docker/containers/
Without root access:
docker@boot2docker:/c/Users/VonC/prog/b2d$ cd /var/lib/docker/containers
-sh: cd: can't cd to /var/lib/docker/containers
So this would work:
docker@boot2docker:/c/Users/VonC/prog/b2d$ sudo su -
Boot2Docker version 1.6.0, build master : a270c71 - Thu Apr 16 19:50:36 UTC 2015
Docker version 1.6.0, build 4749651
root@boot2docker:~# cd /var/lib/docker/containers/