I have to orchestrate a batch which copy the delta of a table each day. This table is only written, never updated. I use java with jdbc and I wonder if there is a metadata or something on the table which can be queried to get all the rows added after a certains date.
Why a metadata ? Because with my table looking like :
aTable_id timeuuid,
PRIMARY KEY ((aTable_id))
I can't put the timeuuid key in the where clause like :
SELECT * FROM aTable WHERE aTable_id > minTimeuuid(?)
And the token function, even if the aTable_id
is correctly ordered give me wrong results :
SELECT * FROM aTable WHERE token(aTable_id) > token(minTimeuuid(?))
In a nutshell, my question is : how to get aTables newer than a certain date ?
So I end up with a solution, found in a meetup introducing cassandra 3.0.
Remember that the schema was set for another request and the keys were not set for a delta request.
The aim for me was to query just the updated row from the previous batch and here the way I did :
loop on a calendar
) and select the main table with a IN