I got an assignment to write a SDK/API for a mobile app, which will be developed in all 3 platforms(Android/Windows/iOS) by different persons. Since those mobile app developers are outside companies, my company doesn't want to expose any Data Base structure related information to them.
So they wanted me to use Parse.com as back-end. I was playing with Parse.Com last whole week. But following things are still unclear to me. Hope there could be someone who could help
Once I go to create an app on Parse.Com it binds me to a specific platform so is there a way I could refer data (classes) on one app to the other ?
Is there any way I could expose only few functions out side (like GetProductList(), GetOrders()... ) world irrespective of target OS ?
Making an app on Parse.com won't bind you to a specific platform. While in the Parse dashboard, go to settings -> keys to find the keys you need to access your Parse server for whatever platform you are coding. Parse objects are JSON encoded.
You can add javascript functions to your server via Parse's Cloud Code. These functions can be called via multiple languages. Check out the following links to add javascript functions to your server: