In IJulia I have a large array/table to display: But it keeps getting cut off:
In [1]:
rand('a':'z', 100,100)
100x100 Array{Char,2}:
'g' 'n' 's' 'v' 'i' 'b' 'v' 'f' … 'v' 'y' 'p' 'o' 'b' 't' 'x'
'w' 'c' 'y' 'c' 'z' 'g' 'v' 'x' 'w' 'q' 'm' 's' 'v' 'd' 'v'
'g' 'o' 'm' 'e' 'x' 'x' 'o' 'z' 'q' 'y' 'o' 't' 'x' 'r' 'p'
'i' 'b' 'w' 'u' 'f' 'g' 'l' 'k' 'c' 'a' 'q' 'q' 'o' 'b' 'p'
'r' 'y' 'r' 'f' 'h' 'z' 'm' 'w' 'l' 'i' 'a' 'd' 'm' 'r' 'c'
'u' 'k' 'q' 'b' 'a' 'm' 'q' 's' … 's' 'f' 'o' 'c' 'r' 'i' 'm'
'a' 'q' 'q' 'p' 'k' 's' 'd' 'j' 'l' 'p' 'j' 'o' 's' 'b' 'o'
'e' 'k' 'p' 'k' 'x' 't' 'u' 'u' 'z' 'y' 't' 'c' 'm' 'k' 'x'
'n' 'n' 'e' 'w' 'm' 'c' 'g' 'd' 'n' 'b' 's' 'x' 'k' 'd' 'c'
'e' 'c' 's' 'i' 'k' 'y' 'v' 'p' 'w' 'g' 'e' 'm' 'k' 'j' 'z'
't' 'h' 'v' 'w' 'l' 'c' 'i' 'e' … 'r' 'i' 'u' 'w' 'j' 'q' 'a'
'y' 'r' 'c' 'q' 't' 'y' 'd' 'n' 'e' 'd' 'f' 'x' 'd' 'l' 'b'
's' 'd' 'r' 'y' 'x' 'u' 'c' 't' 'r' 'j' 'p' 'k' 'e' 'c' 'k'
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
'j' 'p' 'h' 'h' 'e' 'g' 'q' 'p' 'a' 'w' 'o' 'o' 'x' 'k' 'n'
'z' 'f' 'n' 'm' 'f' 'q' 'b' 'l' 'w' 'o' 'i' 'e' 'n' 't' 'h'
'h' 'i' 'r' 'h' 'g' 'e' 't' 'o' … 'v' 'l' 'y' 'r' 'q' 'h' 'u'
'y' 'm' 'c' 'd' 'w' 'b' 'z' 'g' 'm' 'y' 'g' 'h' 'y' 'w' 'n'
'q' 't' 'h' 'a' 'y' 'w' 's' 'o' 'd' 'z' 'j' 'o' 's' 'n' 'm'
'i' 'c' 't' 'u' 'j' 'r' 'n' 'd' 'y' 'g' 'm' 'r' 'x' 'i' 'z'
't' 'q' 'm' 'h' 'j' 'x' 't' 'n' 'n' 'k' 'z' 'c' 'f' 'z' 'e'
'w' 'j' 'i' 'y' 'c' 'z' 's' 'k' … 'k' 'r' 'c' 'y' 'p' 'o' 'h'
'o' 'k' 'x' 'e' 'w' 'y' 'k' 'o' 'u' 'h' 'b' 'z' 'o' 'e' 'h'
'e' 'l' 'd' 'w' 'k' 'c' 'h' 'x' 's' 'x' 'i' 'c' 'j' 'k' 'o'
'y' 'e' 'q' 'c' 'k' 'f' 'x' 'w' 'z' 'y' 'v' 'p' 'b' 'e' 'n'
'j' 'n' 'w' 'i' 'u' 'u' 'w' 'l' 'd' 's' 'v' 'b' 's' 'q' 'h'
This is normally handy, but right now I don't want it. How do I disable this?
You can adjust the amount of characters to display before truncation by setting the global env options as shown below:
ENV["LINES"] = 150
ENV["COLUMNS"] = 300
You may still have issues with its wrapping though.