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PHP OOP: Method Chaining

I have the following code,

class Templater
    static $params = array();

    public static function assign($name, $value)
        self::$params[] = array($name => $value);

    public static function draw()

 $test = Templater::assign('key', 'value');
 $test = Templater::draw();

How can I alter this script so I could use this?

$test = Templater::assign('key', 'value')->assign('key2', 'value2')->draw();


  • You cannot use Method Chaining with static methods because you cannot return a class level scope (return self won't do). Change your methods to regular methods and return $this in each method you want to allow chaining from.

    Notice that you should not use T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM to access instance methods as it will raise an E_STRICT Notice. Use T_OBJECT_OPERATOR for calling instance methods.

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