I have created data frame "df"
Age Sex Income
45 Female 3000
25 Female 5000
34 Male 4500
Now I want to count no of females in sex column and Print it like " No of Females = 2" without using any special package
I could see number of male and female while giving code: summary(df$Sex)
or table(df$sex)
Tried doing Femdata=df[which(df$Sex =='Female'),]
not working
sum(df$sex=="Female", na.rm=TRUE)
not working
not working
not working
Kindly let me know the solution And also Kindly help me in Printing with some statement and then answer
Generally, you can use cat
to print extra information with an answer:
> cat("No of Females = ", nrow(mydf[mydf$Sex == "Female", ]))
No of Females = 2
If you want the result as a character string to use elsewhere, it's probably easier to use sprintf
or paste
> sprintf("No of Females = %s", nrow(mydf[mydf$Sex == "Female", ]))
[1] "No of Females = 2"