I'm trying to define grammar for methods (java like) using Happy LALR parser generator
1. MD ::= some_prefix { list(VD) list(S) }
2. VD ::= T I
3. S ::= I = E | I [ E ] = E | etc...
4. T ::= I | byte | int | etc...
5. E ::= INT | E + E | etc...
All the other tokens are terminals.
Within the method, variable declarations are done in the top and after that the statements.
As you can see VD can starts from an I since there can be variable declarations of type class where the type is an identifier (I). Statement can also be started from an I because of assignments to variables and variable name is an I
The problem is VD and S both can starts from an I. Therefore, in the first production it cause an shift/reduce conflict.
Is there a way to re-write grammar or any other parser generator tricks to solve this problem?
I have specified the associativity and precedence for the operators. I have only mentioned the minimum set of information to explain the problem. Let me know if you need more information.
Following is the grammar file
module Issue where
import Lexer
%name parser
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }
';' { TokenSemi }
id { TokenId $$ }
'{' { TokenLBrace }
'}' { TokenRBrace }
public { TokenPublickw }
'(' { TokenLParen }
')' { TokenRParen }
int { TokenInt $$ }
plus { TokenPlus }
inttype { TokenIntkw }
'=' { TokenAssign }
-- Precedence and associativity. Reference:
-- http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java/11precedence/
%right '='
%left plus
MethodDecl :
public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}'
{ MethodDecl $2 (VarList $6) (BlockStatement $7) }
DataType :
{ DataType TypeInt }
| id
{ DataType (TypeClass $1) }
VarDecl :
DataType id ';'
{ VarDecl $1 $2 }
Statement :
id '=' Expression ';'
{ Assignment $1 $3 }
Expression :
{ IntLiteral $1 }
| Expression plus Expression
{ PlusExp $1 $3 }
list1(p) :
{ [$1] }
| p list1(p)
{ $1 : $2 }
list(p) :
{ $1 }
| -- epsilon
{ [] }
data AST = Goal AST [AST]
| BlockStatement [AST]
| IntLiteral Int
| PlusExp AST AST
| MethodDecl String AST AST
| DataType MJType
| Identifier String
| VarList [AST]
| VarDecl AST String
| Assignment String AST
deriving Show
data MJType = TypeInt
| TypeUnknown
| TypeClass String
deriving (Show,Eq)
parseError :: [Token] -> a
parseError (t:ts) = error ("Parser Error: " ++ (show t))
.info file generated by Happy parser with the details of shift-reduce conflicts and states
Info file generated by Happy Version 1.19.4 from issue.y
state 7 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
state 9 contains 1 shift/reduce conflicts.
%start_parser -> MethodDecl (0)
MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' (1)
DataType -> inttype (2)
DataType -> id (3)
VarDecl -> DataType id ';' (4)
Statement -> id '=' Expression ';' (5)
Expression -> int (6)
Expression -> Expression plus Expression (7)
list(Statement) -> list1(Statement) (8)
list(Statement) -> (9)
list(VarDecl) -> list1(VarDecl) (10)
list(VarDecl) -> (11)
list1(Statement) -> Statement (12)
list1(Statement) -> Statement list1(Statement) (13)
list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl (14)
list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl list1(VarDecl) (15)
';' { TokenSemi }
id { TokenId $$ }
'{' { TokenLBrace }
'}' { TokenRBrace }
public { TokenPublickw }
'(' { TokenLParen }
')' { TokenRParen }
int { TokenInt $$ }
plus { TokenPlus }
inttype { TokenIntkw }
'=' { TokenAssign }
%start_parser rule 0
MethodDecl rule 1
DataType rules 2, 3
VarDecl rule 4
Statement rule 5
Expression rules 6, 7
list(Statement) rules 8, 9
list(VarDecl) rules 10, 11
list1(Statement) rules 12, 13
list1(VarDecl) rules 14, 15
State 0
public shift, and enter state 2
MethodDecl goto state 3
State 1
public shift, and enter state 2
State 2
MethodDecl -> public . id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' (rule 1)
id shift, and enter state 4
State 3
%start_parser -> MethodDecl . (rule 0)
%eof accept
State 4
MethodDecl -> public id . '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' (rule 1)
'(' shift, and enter state 5
State 5
MethodDecl -> public id '(' . ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' (rule 1)
')' shift, and enter state 6
State 6
MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' . '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' (rule 1)
'{' shift, and enter state 7
State 7
MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' . list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' (rule 1)
id shift, and enter state 12
(reduce using rule 11)
'}' reduce using rule 11
inttype shift, and enter state 13
DataType goto state 8
VarDecl goto state 9
list(VarDecl) goto state 10
list1(VarDecl) goto state 11
State 8
VarDecl -> DataType . id ';' (rule 4)
id shift, and enter state 19
State 9
list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl . (rule 14)
list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl . list1(VarDecl) (rule 15)
id shift, and enter state 12
(reduce using rule 14)
'}' reduce using rule 14
inttype shift, and enter state 13
DataType goto state 8
VarDecl goto state 9
list1(VarDecl) goto state 18
State 10
MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) . list(Statement) '}' (rule 1)
id shift, and enter state 17
'}' reduce using rule 9
Statement goto state 14
list(Statement)goto state 15
list1(Statement)goto state 16
State 11
list(VarDecl) -> list1(VarDecl) . (rule 10)
id reduce using rule 10
'}' reduce using rule 10
State 12
DataType -> id . (rule 3)
id reduce using rule 3
State 13
DataType -> inttype . (rule 2)
id reduce using rule 2
State 14
list1(Statement) -> Statement . (rule 12)
list1(Statement) -> Statement . list1(Statement) (rule 13)
id shift, and enter state 17
'}' reduce using rule 12
Statement goto state 14
list1(Statement)goto state 23
State 15
MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) . '}' (rule 1)
'}' shift, and enter state 22
State 16
list(Statement) -> list1(Statement) . (rule 8)
'}' reduce using rule 8
State 17
Statement -> id . '=' Expression ';' (rule 5)
'=' shift, and enter state 21
State 18
list1(VarDecl) -> VarDecl list1(VarDecl) . (rule 15)
id reduce using rule 15
'}' reduce using rule 15
State 19
VarDecl -> DataType id . ';' (rule 4)
';' shift, and enter state 20
State 20
VarDecl -> DataType id ';' . (rule 4)
id reduce using rule 4
'}' reduce using rule 4
inttype reduce using rule 4
State 21
Statement -> id '=' . Expression ';' (rule 5)
int shift, and enter state 25
Expression goto state 24
State 22
MethodDecl -> public id '(' ')' '{' list(VarDecl) list(Statement) '}' . (rule 1)
%eof reduce using rule 1
State 23
list1(Statement) -> Statement list1(Statement) . (rule 13)
'}' reduce using rule 13
State 24
Statement -> id '=' Expression . ';' (rule 5)
Expression -> Expression . plus Expression (rule 7)
';' shift, and enter state 26
plus shift, and enter state 27
State 25
Expression -> int . (rule 6)
';' reduce using rule 6
plus reduce using rule 6
State 26
Statement -> id '=' Expression ';' . (rule 5)
id reduce using rule 5
'}' reduce using rule 5
State 27
Expression -> Expression plus . Expression (rule 7)
int shift, and enter state 25
Expression goto state 28
State 28
Expression -> Expression . plus Expression (rule 7)
Expression -> Expression plus Expression . (rule 7)
';' reduce using rule 7
plus reduce using rule 7
Grammar Totals
Number of rules: 16
Number of terminals: 11
Number of non-terminals: 10
Number of states: 29
I found the solution. Instead of using 2 different lists
list(VarDecl) list(Statement)
use one list
Following is the definition of the ordered_lists
--A list of p followed by a list of q, where each list can be an empty list
ordered_lists(p,q) :
{ $1 }
| -- epsilon
{ ([], []) }
--This list should contain atleast one of p or q. A list of p followed by a
--list of q, where at most one list can be an empty list
ordered_lists1(p,q) :
{ ([$1], []) }
| q
{ ([], [$1]) }
| p ordered_lists1(p,q)
{ ($1:fst($2), snd($2)) }
| q list1(q)
{ ([], $1 : $2) }
Definition of the list1
is available in the question description. Please don't hesitate to post a better answer.