I create a plug-in for sublime text 3, the designed Command Palette.sublime-commands is as follows:
"caption": "Function 1",
"args": {parameter:"y"},
"command": "generalfunc"
"caption": "Function 2",
"args": {parameter:"n"},
"command": "generalfunc"
actually, I want to pass the args to the sublime_plugin instance below:
class GeneralFuncCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def __init__(self, parameter=None):
self.parameter = parameter
super(GeneralFuncCommand, self).__init__()
def run(self):
if self.parameter =='y':
do something
elif self.parameter =='n':
do something else
What is the proper way to pass args to the GeneralFuncCommand class? Thanks in advance.
I'm a plugin/python newb, but I put something together that works for me.
The "**args" seems to be the key in the "def" line. Seems to be a wildcard to make all other params available via the args['myparamnamehere'] syntax. I've seen other scripts name that param "**kwargs" so maybe you could google that for more examples (I found tons of examples, but no docs on the how's or the why's of it). There may be a better way, but this is all I found after a couple hours of work on my own project, so I'm just sticking with it.
class dgReplaceLibCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, **args):
if (args['replaceSet'] == "CFML to cfScript"):
I'm guessing your def line needs to look like this...
def __init__(self, **args):
And then you would access your param like this (again, guessing)...
self.parameter = args['parameter']
Also, you may need to put quotes around the key "parameter" in your config. I haven't seen too many in the examples that weren't quoted. I.e...
"args": {"parameter":"y"},
Hope this helps!