I want to use jquery fade in-between views. I'm unsure how to do this in sammy.js. I thought of writing a function...
function showFade(_selector, newView, VM) {
$(_selector).load(newView, function() {
ko.applyBindings(VM, $(_selector)[0]);
then calling it:
app.get('#/newfile', function(){
var _view = new newfileVM(mainView);
showFade('#pagecontent', '/app/files/newfile.html', _view);
But this doesn't work (I didn't think it would, but just tried anyway). I appreciate anyone help me with this. Thanks.
This is what worked for me. No one posted an answer so I'm answering this myself.
function showFade(_selector, newView, VM) {
$(_selector).load(newView, function() {
ko.applyBindings(VM, $(_selector)[0]);