I have following style in an angularjs application, which is working fine. Can this be replaced by ng-style, or its better to stick to the style attribute as I have it now?
style="border-bottom:solid {{command.name == 'Delete' ? '1px':'0px'}} lightgray;
padding-bottom:{{command.name == 'Delete' ? '10px':'0px'}};
The ng-style code that I tried but which didn't work.
ng-style="{border-bottom:solid {{command.name == 'Delete' ? '1px':'0px'}} lightgray;
padding-bottom:{{command.name == 'Delete' ? '10px':'0px'}}; }"
That's because it takes an object, no need to do {{}} in there:
borderBottom: 'solid ' + (command.name == 'Delete' ? '1px':'0px') + ' lightgray',
paddingBottom: (command.name == 'Delete' ? '10px':'0px')