I've submitted an app that got accepted in it's 1.0 state, but I haven't published it because we had to wait for the next version.
Now I have the 1.01 version that I would like to submit, with a build number of 5 (the previous one on the store was 3), which I did using the following :
5 hours after I still don't see my build or version on my itunes connect page, it still shows the old page as it always did.
Did I do something wrong? Must I publish before updating? I really wish we wouldn't' have to. Have I lost a day of review queue?
Thanks for your help
EDIT: Here is what I had at the end of my Xcode archive routine :
Yet nothing shows on the itunesconnect side, several hours afterwards.
Here is my build section in the version tab, which shows the version I uploaded two months ago. :
Did you prepare a new version to send to apple review team? I mean in the itunes connect webpage.
EDIT: You have to reject your old binary that is "ready to publish" or if you want publish it ("ready for sale"). Then you have to re-upload your new binary, creating a new version tab. You can follow this steps to upload your new binary: