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How to import Palette.Builder android - AppCompat, Eclipse

I have the following code for Palette, which gets the DarkMutedColor and sets to the background of my textView.

        new Palette.PaletteAsyncListener() {

            public void onGenerated(Palette palette) {




But, i recently came across Palette.Builder and wondering how to use it.

From Documentation here and here:

Instances are created with a Palette.Builder which supports several options to tweak the generated Palette. See that class' documentation for more information.

Generation should always be completed on a background thread, ideally the one in which you load your image on. Palette.Builder supports both synchronous and asynchronous generation

But, i cant find any class named Builder, when i type, Palette(dot)? How do i import, Palette.Builder and its methods?


  • The solution was, update your SDK and update the previously used .jar file in your libs folder of the Main project.

    And to use it:

        Palette.from(response.getBitmap()).generate(new PaletteAsyncListener() {
                        public void onGenerated(Palette palette) {