I'm trying to open an .xlsx file and display the contents in my SpreadsheetGear.
mySpreadSheetGearControl.ActiveWorkBook = SpreadsheetGear.Factory.GetWorkbook(filename);
whereas filename is my excel file i'm trying to open. Contents gets diplayed in my spreadsheet control. Now I need to access the Custom Document properties that I have saved in my original Excel file through my Spreadsheetgear. Is there any way I can do this.
Thanks in Advance.
SpreadsheetGear does not yet support reading or writing Document Properties, unfortunately, so these objects will be dropped upon reading in a workbook that contains them.
I work for SpreadsheetGear and we do keep track of these sorts of requests for consideration for future implementation. You are welcome to contact us at support@spreadsheetgear.com so that I can add your contact information to this request.