I want to make a simple IDA-python script which sets a break point to some specific memory address then continue and filter break point hits with some rules..
In case of gdb. I can make a gdb script such as
bp 0x12345678 c if ~~~ else ~~~ ni si ... c ...
how can I do this kind of stuff with IDA python? thank you in advance
You are looking for dbg_step_into
and dbg_step_over
. The IDA API is debugger-agnostic, and its GUI allows you to set the debugger used (and as you probably already know, it supports GDB). See here for the API documentation. Similarly, the relevant IDA actions are documented here (idaapi.request_step_into
Here is a use case taken from the IDApython repository, reproduced here in part, just in case the link goes stale:
# Original Author: Gergely Erdelyi <gergely.erdelyi@d-dome.net>
from idaapi import *
class MyDbgHook(DBG_Hooks):
""" This class implements the various callbacks required.
def dbg_process_start(self, pid, tid, ea, name, base, size):
print("Process started, pid=%d tid=%d name=%s" % (pid, tid, name))
def dbg_process_exit(self, pid, tid, ea, code):
print("Process exited pid=%d tid=%d ea=0x%x code=%d" % (pid, tid, ea, code))
def dbg_library_unload(self, pid, tid, ea, info):
print("Library unloaded: pid=%d tid=%d ea=0x%x info=%s" % (pid, tid, ea, info))
return 0
def dbg_process_attach(self, pid, tid, ea, name, base, size):
print("Process attach pid=%d tid=%d ea=0x%x name=%s base=%x size=%x" % (pid, tid, ea, name, base, size))
def dbg_process_detach(self, pid, tid, ea):
print("Process detached, pid=%d tid=%d ea=0x%x" % (pid, tid, ea))
return 0
def dbg_library_load(self, pid, tid, ea, name, base, size):
print "Library loaded: pid=%d tid=%d name=%s base=%x" % (pid, tid, name, base)
def dbg_bpt(self, tid, ea):
print "Break point at 0x%x pid=%d" % (ea, tid)
# return values:
# -1 - to display a breakpoint warning dialog
# if the process is suspended.
# 0 - to never display a breakpoint warning dialog.
# 1 - to always display a breakpoint warning dialog.
return 0
def dbg_suspend_process(self):
print "Process suspended"
def dbg_exception(self, pid, tid, ea, exc_code, exc_can_cont, exc_ea, exc_info):
print("Exception: pid=%d tid=%d ea=0x%x exc_code=0x%x can_continue=%d exc_ea=0x%x exc_info=%s" % (
pid, tid, ea, exc_code & idaapi.BADADDR, exc_can_cont, exc_ea, exc_info))
# return values:
# -1 - to display an exception warning dialog
# if the process is suspended.
# 0 - to never display an exception warning dialog.
# 1 - to always display an exception warning dialog.
return 0
def dbg_trace(self, tid, ea):
print("Trace tid=%d ea=0x%x" % (tid, ea))
# return values:
# 1 - do not log this trace event;
# 0 - log it
return 0
def dbg_step_into(self):
print("Step into")
def dbg_run_to(self, pid, tid=0, ea=0):
print "Runto: tid=%d" % tid
def dbg_step_over(self):
eip = GetRegValue("EIP")
print("0x%x %s" % (eip, GetDisasm(eip)))
self.steps += 1
if self.steps >= 5:
# Remove an existing debug hook
if debughook:
print("Removing previous hook ...")
# Install the debug hook
debughook = MyDbgHook()
debughook.steps = 0
# Stop at the entry point
ep = GetLongPrm(INF_START_IP)
# Step one instruction
# Start debugging