I haven't seen this online when looking at other's code, guides, tutorials, etc.
When I generate a Model with Gii, the functions regarding relations all have a zero after them.
class Benefit extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
// truncated Yii Model code...
public function getType0()
return $this->hasOne(BenefitTypes::className(), ['id' => 'type']);
BenefitTypes is an id to name mapping:
id | name
1 => Federal
2 => Non-Profit
In the 'benefit' table, it has column named 'type' that is a relation to the 'benefit_types' table 'id' column.
I though I should be able to do (in /views/benefit/index.php) 'type.name' but it doesn't work either. It changes the column name to "Type Name" and puts "(not set)" in the data table...
<?= DetailView::widget([
'model' => $model,
'attributes' => [
]) ?>
What is going on, why does it not act like it's supposed to?
I am beginning to think the 0 suffix to the relation function names, ie: getType0, is due to "type" being used in the table as a column name to avoid duplication or confusion. I can't find this documented though, so would like to have a definite answer on that.
I changed the function name to getTypeRelation(). Then in the index.php view, for the detailview widget, used 'typeRelation.name' and it returned the name through the relation just fine.
Your thinking is correct. Generation of the relation names is done by the function generateRelationName().
protected function generateRelationName($relations, $table, $key, $multiple)
if (!empty($key) && substr_compare($key, 'id', -2, 2, true) === 0 && strcasecmp($key, 'id')) {
$key = rtrim(substr($key, 0, -2), '_');
if ($multiple) {
$key = Inflector::pluralize($key);
$name = $rawName = Inflector::id2camel($key, '_');
$i = 0;
while (isset($table->columns[lcfirst($name)])) {
$name = $rawName . ($i++);
while (isset($relations[$table->fullName][$name])) {
$name = $rawName . ($i++);
return $name;
Yii uses the related table's name as the relation name. Should you have a column with the same name as the related table, a digit will be appended to the relation to avoid confusion due to Yii's handling of magic functions. This also occurs if you have two columns or more in a single table related to the same table e.g columns create_user_id
, update_user_id
and delete_user_id
related to table user
will result in relations named user
, user0
and user1
For your example, it is advisable to name your foreign key field something else e.g type_id
or typeId
. Yii will handle these correctly . The other alternative when you have multiple columns related to the same table is to just rename the functions.