I am trying to write Swift implementation of the following ObjC(header file) code.
#include <stddef.h>
typedef struct _voCertificate
const char* bytes;
size_t length;
static const char myCertificate_BYTES[] =
103, 92, -99, 33, 72, 48, 119, -72,
-77, 75, -88, 81, 113, -46, -119, -119,
5, 42, -33, 94, 23, 3, -112, 34,
-63, 75, -77, 26, -41, -69, 50, 71,
19, 121, 109, -60, 40, 18, 46, -86,
voCertificate const myCertificate =
NSData *certificate = [NSData dataWithBytes:myCertificate.bytes length:myCertificate.length];
My best assumption was:
let myCertificate = [
103, 92, -99, 33, 72, 48, 119, -72,
-77, 75, -88, 81, 113, -46, -119, -119,
5, 42, -33, 94, 23, 3, -112, 34,
-63, 75, -77, 26, -41, -69, 50, 71,
19, 121, 109, -60, 40, 18, 46, -86,
var certificate = NSData(bytes: myCertificate as [Byte], length: myCertificate.count)
I tried to reach ObjC variable through Bridging-Header too, but there was "Undefined symbols for architecture armv7" error. I would really appreciate any help.
Your biggest problem is that the type of your myCertificate array is Int not Int8. Here is something that is working for me. Note I reconstructed the array from the NSData object to see if everything came out ok.
let myCertificate = Array<Int8>(arrayLiteral:
103, 92, -99, 33, 72, 48, 119, -72,
-77, 75, -88, 81, 113, -46, -119, -119,
5, 42, -33, 94, 23, 3, -112, 34,
-63, 75, -77, 26, -41, -69, 50, 71,
19, 121, 109, -60, 40, 18, 46, -86)
var certificate = NSData(bytes: myCertificate, length: myCertificate.count)
var buffer = [Int8](count: certificate.length, repeatedValue: 0)
certificate.getBytes(&buffer, length: certificate.length)