I have a Node.js application and I'm using Mongoose to interface with MongoDB on Compose.io. Here's some code that should store the current date and time in my database:
signup.Volunteer.find({_id : uniqueid.toObjectId()}, function(err, doc){
var volunteer = doc[0];
var date = new Date();
//volunteer.time_out is an array
//defined in Volunteer Schema as: 'time_in : [Date]'
volunteer.time_in = volunteer.time_in.push(date);
If I print these date objects to the console, I get the right date. BUT, when I store the object in my database, it's stored as "1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z". Is there any idea why this would be happening?
The problem is that you're assigning the return value of volunteer.time_in.push
back to volunteer.time_in
. The return value is the new length of the array, not the array itself.
So change that line to just: