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Need Help About Using XPathNavigator in C#?

My XML file as below. It mixed schema and normal elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- R1 -->
<ax:root xmlns:ax="http://amecn/software/realtime/ax">
  <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:element name="EquipmentConstants">
          <xsd:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="EquipmentConstant" />
      <xsd:unique name="id">
        <xsd:selector xpath=".//EquipmentConstant" />
        <xsd:field xpath="@id" />
  <EquipmentConstants xmlns:xsi="">
    <EquipmentConstant id="0">
        <Value min="0" max="10000000" scale_factor="0" unit="U_NO_UNITS" permission="NolimitedAndNoChangeable" type="xsd_string" enum="" flag="0">0</Value>
      <Description>Serial Number</Description>

My C# code as below. I want to loop the elements start from (by pass all the content of schema)

<EquipmentConstants xmlns:xsi="">

XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument("test.xml");
                XPathNavigator navigator = doc.CreateNavigator();

                navigator.MoveToRoot(); // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                //navigator.MoveToFirstChild();   // <!-- R1 -->
                // 1st, I tried to use MoveToChield(), But I failed to move there.
                // Then, I also tried to use SelectSingleNode(). But I failed too. 
                while (navigator.MoveToNext())
                // do something.

Could you please give me some suggestion. Thank you.


  • My solution as below.

                XPathDocument doc = new XPathDocument("test.xml");
                XPathNavigator navigator = doc.CreateNavigator();
                navigator.MoveToRoot(); // <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                navigator.MoveToFirstChild();   // <!-- R1 -->
                navigator.MoveToNext(); //   <ax:root xmlns:ax="http://amecn/software/realtime/ax">
                navigator.MoveToChild("EquipmentConstants", ""); // <EquipmentConstants xmlns:xsi="">
                navigator.MoveToFirstChild();   // <EquipmentConstant id="0">
                // Loop body;
                } while (navigator.MoveToNext());