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boost qi::phrase_parse reads only first element

I've implemented simple ascii parser using boost::spirit. target ascii file looks like


0 23 45 10.0 0.5


n-1 x y .....

but it returns in measure_list only 1 element

if I am trying to read ASCII as a simple vector<double> instead of structured for example - it works fine. Whats wrong?

struct measure
   int id;
   double x, y, size_, angle;

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(measure, (int, id)(double, x)(double, y)(double, size_)(double, angel))

typedef std::vector<measure> data_t;

void RelativeMeasure(string filename)

                if(!filesystem::exists(filename)) return;

                file_name = filename;

                ifstream calibration_file(filename);

                        int key_count;
                        calibration_file >> key_count;

                        istreambuf_iterator<char> eos;
                        istreambuf_iterator<char> it(calibration_file);

                        std::string strver(it, eos);

                        std::vector<measure> measure_list;

                        qi::phrase_parse(strver.begin(), strver.end(), (qi::int_ > qi::double_ > qi::double_ > qi::double_ > qi::double_) % qi::eol, qi::blank, measure_list);

                        for each(auto measure in measure_list) key_list.push_back(KeyPoint(measure.x, measure.y, measure.size_, measure.angel));


  • The most likely culprit that I see is that you don't eat the newline after n. Perhaps also use +qi::eol as the delimiter.

    But that doesn't explain that you'd read the first entry.

    You could simplify things by using the streaming API (using boost::spirit::istream_iterator multi-pass adaptor under the hood):

    Live On Coliru

    void RelativeMeasure(std::string filename)
        std::ifstream calfile(filename, std::ios::binary);
        int key_count;
        std::vector<measure> measure_list;
        using namespace qi;
        if (
            calfile >> std::noskipws >> phrase_match(int_, blank, key_count)
            && calfile >> phrase_match(qi::repeat(key_count)[int_ > double_ > double_ > double_ > double_ > +eol], blank, measure_list)
            std::vector<KeyPoint> key_list;
            // using a converting constructor (why not parse into this at once?)
            std::copy(measure_list.begin(), measure_list.end(), back_inserter(key_list));