I have two models Illness and Symptom:
class Model_Illness extends ORM {
//protected $_db_group = 'default2';
protected $_table_name = 'illnesses';
protected $_has_many = array(
'symptoms' => array(
'through' => 'symptoms_illnesses',
'foreign_key' => 'illness_id',
class Model_Symptom extends ORM {
//protected $_db_group = 'default2';
protected $_table_name = 'symptoms';
protected $_has_many = array(
'illnesses' => array(
'through' => 'symptoms_illnesses',
'foreign_key' => 'symptom_id',
The logic is illness may have many symptoms and symptom may have many illnesses. So these two have middle table symptoms_illnesses
which stores ids of interconnected illnesses and symptoms.
Finally my task: I have to make search of illnesses by symptoms. I send symptom ids in array, and then should get illnesses which only have these symptoms. I tried following function:
public function bySymp($symps){
$res = array();
$objs = ORM::factory('Illness')->join('symptoms_illnesses')
->on('symptoms_illnesses.illness_id', '=', 'illness.id');
foreach($symps as $s){
$objs = $objs->where('symptoms_illnesses.symptom_id', '=', $s);
foreach($objs->find_all() as $o){
$res[] = $o;
return $res;
It returns nothing, when I put more than one value in array. I also tried $objs = $this->where('symptom_id', 'IN', $symptom_ids);
it works like 'OR' condition, but I have to output exactly such illnesses that have symtoms in array of symptoms id's.
I think you would need to do multiple joins, one for each sympton. But a quick look into the Kohana documentation shows, that it doesn't allow for aliases inside queries, so a constructing a WHERE
clause is difficult/impossible.
The only way I see that this works out of the box would be first finding all illnesses and then checking via has()
for the required symptons.
$res = array();
$objs = ORM::factory('Illness')->find_all();
foreach ($objs as $o) {
if ($o->has('symptom', $symps)) {
$res[] = $o;
return $res;
But I haven't worked with Kohana in some time and might be overlooking something.