I'm trying to make a search on a field that contains URL using elastic search Term query. I use elasticsearch-rails the ActiveRecord Persistance Pattern. This is how I try to do it.
total_views = UserAction.search :query=> {
:filtered=> {
:filter=> {
:term=> { action_path:"" }
It works if there are no '/' or ':' characters. For example when the action_path is just 'tshirt'. The other fields are not analyzed and they work if there are no '/', ':' kinds of characters in the field. So obviously elastic search tries to analyze it but the problem is they should not be analyzed because mapping is already there.
This my user action class
class UserAction
include Elasticsearch::Persistence::Model
extend Calculations
include Styles
attribute :user_id, Integer
attribute :user_referrer, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :user_ip, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :user_country, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :user_city, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :user_device, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :user_agent, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :user_platform
attribute :user_visitid, Integer
attribute :action_type, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :action_css, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :action_text, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :action_path, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :share_url, String, mapping: { index: 'not_analyzed' }
attribute :tag
attribute :date
I also tried adding indexes using 'mapping do.." and then "create_index!" but result is the same. Because mapping is there it does create the mapping.
This is my gem file
gem "elasticsearch-model", git: "git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails.git", require: "elasticsearch/model"
gem "elasticsearch-persistence", git: "git://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-rails.git", require: "elasticsearch/persistence/model"
gem "elasticsearch-rails"
When I make the search I also see that those fields that are not analyzed.
@transport=#<Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Faraday:0x007fc4bf9b35a8 ...>>,
@transport=#<Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Faraday:0x007fc4bf9b35a8 ...>>,
:user_country=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"},
:user_city=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"},
:user_device=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"},
:user_agent=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"},
:action_type=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"},
:action_css=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"},
:action_text=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"},
:action_path=>{:type=>"string", :index=>"not_analyzed"}},
@response={"took"=>1, "timed_out"=>false, "_shards"=>{"total"=>4, "successful"=>4, "failed"=>0}, "hits"=>{"total"=>0, "max_score"=>nil, "hits"=>[]}}>
the initializer file has nothing other than the elastichq connection url.
Data is there in elastichq so I should get the results but can't get any.
user_action 1 AUzH9xKDueQ8OtBQuyQC http://example.org/api/analytics/track
user_actions user_action 1 AUzIAUsvueQ8OtBQuyQg
user_actions user_action 1 AUzH7ay5ueQ8OtBQuyP2 http://example.org/api/analytics/track
user_actions user_action 1 AUzH-HAdueQ8OtBQuyQU
user_actions user_action 1 AUzIJbCGueQ8OtBQuyQ4 http://example.org/api/analytics/track
user_actions user_action 1 AUzIJbCjueQ8OtBQuyQ5 http://example.org/api/analytics/track
Curl Results from Elastichq
curl -XGET "https://YYYYY:XXXXX@xxxx.qbox.io/user_actions/_mapping"
"user_actions": {
"mappings": {
"user_action": {
"properties": {
"action_css": { "type": "string" },
"action_path": { "type": "string" },
"action_text": { "type": "string" },
"action_type": { "type": "string" },
"created_at": { "format": "dateOptionalTime", "type": "date" },
"date": { "type": "string" },
"share_url": { "type": "string" },
"tag": { "type": "string" },
"updated_at": { "format": "dateOptionalTime", "type": "date" },
"user_agent": { "type": "string" },
"user_city": { "type": "string" },
"user_country": { "type": "string" },
"user_device": { "type": "string" },
"user_id": { "type": "long" },
"user_ip": { "type": "string" },
"user_referrer": { "type": "string" },
"user_visitid": { "type": "long" }
can anybody help me on getting url term search work?
I did what I didn't want to do. Created the index with its mapping manually with the below post request so elasticsearch-rails can't create it wrong. Now everything works fine
curl -XPOST https://xxxxxx.qbox.io/user_actions -d '{
"settings" : {
"number_of_shards" : 1
"mappings" : {
"user_action" : {
"_source" : { "enabled" : false },
"properties" : {
"action_path" : { "type" : "string", "index" : "not_analyzed" }