I use both aullauth and rosetta. The Login interface is only for a few co-opted people who will run the site. So I will not translate it.
For those templates I have customized, I can simply remove all "trans" blocks, but what about others? I've tried to copy all templates locally and to use:
ROSETTA_EXCLUDE_PATHS = (os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates/'),)
I've also tried that:
It is not vital, but it is annoying because a lot of messages are left to translate, while nobody cares. Only the public visitor interface will be translated. Not the admin,backoffice,login...
How could I exclude apps and/or Paths ?
For paths, there is actually a typo in the docs. It should be ROSETTA_EXCLUDED_PATHS
. The pertinent code from settings.py
# Exclude paths defined in this list from being searched (usually ends with "locale")