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WatchKit detect tap / touch on label / group

I have a nested WKInterfaceGroup with a WKInterfaceLabel within as such:

enter image description here

which looks like that:

enter image description here

the orange highlight indicates which part of the value the user is currently editing. (Backgroundcolor of WKInterfaceGroup)

i am trying to find a way to switch between left/right highlighted and am running into the problem

  • WatchKit does not provide me with something along the lines of touchesBegan
  • WKInterfaceLabels have no action selectors
  • WKInterfaceGroups have no action selectors
  • There is no publich ForceTouch API

my question is:

how can i let the user `tap' to select which of the two groups he wants to actively edit?


  • You can use a WKInterfaceButton instead. Buttons allow you to use a group for their contents instead of a label. Then, hook into the action method of the button.