I am doing multinomial logistic regression model for iris
data set,
mlog1 <- vglm(Species ~ ., data=iris, family=multinomial())
and the coefficients are:
(Intercept):1 (Intercept):2 Sepal.Length:1 Sepal.Length:2 Sepal.Width:1
34.243397 42.637804 10.746723 2.465220 12.815353
Sepal.Width:2 Petal.Length:1 Petal.Length:2 Petal.Width:1 Petal.Width:2
6.680887 -25.042636 -9.429385 -36.060294 -18.286137
Then I use multinom()
function and do the same thing:
mlog2 <- multinom(Species ~ ., data=iris)
(Intercept) Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
versicolor 18.69037 -5.458424 -8.707401 14.24477 -3.097684
virginica -23.83628 -7.923634 -15.370769 23.65978 15.135301
It seems to be a big gap between these two results? Where did I do wrong? How can I fix them and get the similar result?
The gap is due to two factors: (1) The multinomial()
family in VGAM
chooses the reference to be the last level of the response factor by default while multinom()
in nnet
always uses the first level as the reference. (2) The species categories in the iris data can be separated linearly, thus leading to very large coefficients and huge standard errors. Where exactly the numeric optimization stops when the log-likelihood virtually doesn't change further, can be somewhat different across implementations but is practically irrelevant.
As an example without separation consider a school choice regression model based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (1994-2002) in the AER
data("GSOEP9402", package = "AER")
m1 <- multinom(school ~ meducation + memployment + log(income) + log(size),
data = GSOEP9402)
m2 <- vglm(school ~ meducation + memployment + log(income) + log(size),
data = GSOEP9402, family = multinomial(refLevel = 1))
Then, both models lead to esssentially the same coefficients:
## (Intercept) meducation memploymentparttime memploymentnone
## Realschule -6.366449 0.3232377 0.4422277 0.7322972
## Gymnasium -22.476933 0.6664295 0.8964440 1.0581122
## log(income) log(size)
## Realschule 0.3877988 -1.297537
## Gymnasium 1.5347946 -1.757441
coef(m2, matrix = TRUE)
## log(mu[,2]/mu[,1]) log(mu[,3]/mu[,1])
## (Intercept) -6.3666257 -22.4778081
## meducation 0.3232500 0.6664550
## memploymentparttime 0.4422720 0.8964986
## memploymentnone 0.7323156 1.0581625
## log(income) 0.3877985 1.5348495
## log(size) -1.2975203 -1.7574912