Sorry guys I just asked a question a couple of hours ago but this is the last thing I need to finish my project. My program allows overwrite of moves. Like say if player 1 picks the first square, it will allow player 2 to also pick this square. Everything else functions perfectly I have just been failing at the implementation of this.
Any ideas? I just put one part of my code since a lot of my code is sadly copy and pasted. I'm really new, so I haven't figured out optimization yet and I am already out of time for this project so any help will be appreciated.
So in this code I only included the printing of the original board and the first move of the first player (if playing with 2 humans). This should be enough to get help but if anybody wants to see the rest of the code please let me know as I have left out most of it. Thanks!!!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* known bugs: Allows players to place a 1 or 2 on board even if there is already a 1 or 2 in that spot. */
int main()
char board[3][3];
int i,j,k,l, player, move;
for(i=0;i<=3;i++) // prints initial board of 0's
board[i][j] = '0';
printf("Hello! Do you want to play alone or with a computer? \n\n"
"Enter 1 for alone or 2 to play with a friend!\n");
scanf("%d", &player);
if (player == 2)
for(k=0;k<9;k++) // 9 moves max.
printf("\n\n"); // print board again.
printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[0][0], board[0][1], board[0][2]);
printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[1][0], board[1][1], board[1][2]);
printf(" %c | %c | %c\n", board[2][0], board[2][1], board[2][2]);
printf("Player 1, where would you like to move? Enter 1-9\n");
scanf("%d", &move);
if (move == 1)
board[0][0] = '1';
if (move == 2)
board[0][1] = '1';
if (move == 3)
board[0][2] = '1';
if (move == 4)
board[1][0] = '1';
if (move == 5)
board[1][1] = '1';
if (move == 6)
board[1][2] = '1';
if (move == 7)
board[2][0] = '1';
if (move == 8)
board[2][1] = '1';
if (move == 9)
board[2][2] = '1';
}while(move>9 && move <1);
** The check()
void check (char *c, int *move){
if(*c == '0'){
*c = '1';
}else {
printf("\nThis field is already taken! Please choose another one.\n");
/* since you repeat this as long as move is bigger than 9 or smaller
than 1, this will have the user make another choice. */
*move = 0;
** Your last do while**
do {
printf("Player 1, where would you like to move? Enter 1-9\n");
scanf("%d", &move);
switch (move){
case 1:
check(&board[0][0], &move);
case 2:
check(&board[0][1], &move);
case 3:
check(&board[0][2], &move);
case 4:
check(&board[1][0], &move);
case 5:
check(&board[1][1], &move);
case 6:
check(&board[1][2], &move);
case 7:
check(&board[2][0], &move);
case 8:
check(&board[2][1], &move);
case 9:
check(&board[2][2], &move);
printf("\nError! Choose a field between 1 and 9\n");
}while(move>9 || move <1);
Note: like the others said, your for-loops need to iterate until i/j < 3, since your array has the size of 3 (indexes 0, 1, 2);
Note 2: The while statement must be move > 9 OR move < 1
since the int can't be bigger than 9 and smaller than 1 at the same time, which will cause an infinite loop.