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Yesod Mform and hamlet

Hi I am new to yesod and following the documentation to make a form. In the documentation the form template was created in .hs file itself. But I have a separate hamlet where I want to customize.

I want to access "fields" in my hamlet file. The expected type of 'generateFormPost' is (xml, Enctype) . Can anybody tell me what I should be returning from 'tableMform extra' . I think it should be in xml format. But I think I should not be using toWidget as in below example of documentation.

tableMform extra = do
    fields <- forM lis (\(w,h) -> mopt intField "this is not used" (Just h) )
    return (fields)      ---I know this line has the type error. Can anybody suggest how to deal with it

--I am referring this code from yesod website to make my form. In this it was using runFormGet, but I want use generateFormPost and moreover it was creating a widget which is used in displaying the website. I don't want to create the widget here but in my hamlet file where the 'fields' is accessed via interpolation.

personForm :: Html -> MForm Handler (FormResult Person, Widget)
personForm extra = do
    (nameRes, nameView) <- mreq textField "this is not used" Nothing
    (ageRes, ageView) <- mreq intField "neither is this" Nothing
    let personRes = Person <$> nameRes <*> ageRes
    let widget = do
                    ##{fvId ageView} {
                        width: 3em;
                    Hello, my name is #
                    ^{fvInput nameView}
                    \ and I am #
                    ^{fvInput ageView}
                    \ years old. #
                    <input type=submit value="Introduce myself">
    return (personRes, widget)


getHomeR :: Handler Html
getHomeR = defaultLayout $ do
    -- Generate the form to be displayed
    (fields, enctype) <- generateFormPost tableMform
    let (fires,fiview) = unzip fields
    $(widgetFile "layout")       

Please let me know if there is any misunderstanding. I have idea of how to get the form from the way done in the documentation, but I want to use a separate hamlet file, as I want to customize the look of the form.

Thanks Sai

EDIT: Sorry, I wasn't clear. I was trying to make a Mform where instead of creating the layout of the form in the ".hs" file , I wanted to give the layout in hamlet file. I have done it through . But after doing that I could split it in to two files as I wanted. I have solved those errors. Thanks anyways


  • I got it. I was not clear of what "tableMform extra" has to return. I know that it has to return something of type [(FormResult a, xml)][1] . But then I was not sure what the type of "forM lis ((w,h) -> mopt intField (fromString w) (Just h) )" -- Line 2 was , So I followed what was done in documentation did it in the way it was done there.(without use of external widget file) .

    After doing that I tried to do in the way I wanted to do i.e using a separate hamlet, julius and lucius files. . It worked !!

    In summary I wasn't clear of the 'type' of "forM lis ((w,h) -> mopt intField (fromString w) (Just h) )" . Once I figured that out, it was easy.