From a FITS-Table I read data, and get a Struct containing the table, where each tag represents a column.
Is there a way to reformat the Struct of Arrays to an Array of Structs? So that one Struct in the Array represents a Row?
General solution made by @mgalloy (see below):
function SoA2AoS, table
if (table eq !NULL) then return, !NULL
tnames = tag_names(table)
new_table = create_struct(tnames[0], (table.(0)[0]))
for t = 1L, n_tags(table) - 1L do begin
new_table = create_struct(new_table, tnames[t], (table.(t))[0])
new_table = replicate(new_table, n_elements(table.(0)))
for t = 0L, n_tags(table) - 1L do begin
new_table.(t) = table.(t)
return, new_table
You can do it without knowing the names of the tags too (untested code):
; suppose table is a structure containing arrays
tnames = tag_names(table)
new_table = create_struct(tnames[0], (table.(0))[0]
for t = 1L, n_tags(table) - 1L do begin
new_table = create_struct(new_table, tnames[t], (table.(t))[0])
table = replicate(table, n_elements(table.(0)))
for t = 0L, n_tags(table) - 1L do begin
new_table.(t) = table.(t)