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Running node-inspector and node-debug with npm run

How to run two script at once with npm run? First of all I know grunt or gulp but I want to make it without another js modules. To make this I have this script:

"scripts": {
  "start": "node ./node/www",
  "nodemon": "./node_modules/.bin/nodemon node/www.js -i './e2e-tests/**' -i './node_modules/**' -i '.idea/**' -i './node/log/**' -w './node/server/**/*' -V -L",
  "nodeInspector": "./node_modules/.bin/node-inspector --save-live-edit=true",
  "debug": "node-debug ./node/www.js",
  "ins": "npm run nodeInspector & npm run debug"

I want to run with npm run ins but it only fires node-inspector. enter image description here


  • It is not possible to run both commands. They each need their own console