My application ask for location and notification permissions. When user launch the app for first time the location request displays and after notification request displays.
Is there any way to request this better? Maybe an a list like in Android or anything better than I have right now?
You should generally only ask for permissions or check for authorisation when it is required by the app, and not when the user launches the app for the first time. For example, notification permissions could be requested at launch, but location permissions should be requested only when the data is required in your app.
As far as I know, there is no Android-like way to request for permissions.
Edit: You may want to check out third party libraries like ISHPermissionKit and JLPermissions, which provide a more unified approach to asking for user permissions, which is what you might be looking for. But ultimately, I still believe that asking for permission only when it is required is still the way to go.