I added JSQMessageViewController to my project. I went to the bridging header file and added #import "JSQMessagesViewController/JSQMessages.h"
and I get the following error in JSQMessages.h
Why is Xcode not able to find it?
This answer might be more opinion based, but I would delete your jsqmessagesviewcontroller folder, then when you drag it into your project just choose create groups instead of folders. Then you won't have to worry about subdirectory issues
Make sure it looks like this when you drag it into xcode (Copy items if needed, create groups and add to targets 'name of project' (not the Tests target) )
Then you should be able to see this when in autocompletion when your typing your includes:
And you should also see the JSQMessagesViewController files in compile sources like so (I highlighted some to show you):
If those files aren't in there, click the plus at the bottom of compile sources and select all the files in the jsqmessagesviewcontroller subdirectory and click add.
Hope this helps!